The homemade noodles were very nice, though the soup itself was a bit bland
il y a 2 ansThe homemade noodles were very nice, though the soup itself was a bit bland
il y a 2 ansThe homemade noodles were very nice, though the soup itself was a bit bland
il y a 2 ansAuthentic beef noodles. The soup is surprisingly good, it tastes like real beef broth instead of tossing MSG into the soup, which most of the other restaurants would do.
il y a 2 ansAuthentic beef noodles. The soup is surprisingly good, it tastes like real beef broth instead of tossing MSG into the soup, which most of the other restaurants would do.
il y a 2 ansAuthentic beef noodles. The soup is surprisingly good, it tastes like real beef broth instead of tossing MSG into the soup, which most of the other restaurants would do.
il y a 2 ansAuthentic beef noodles. The soup is surprisingly good, it tastes like real beef broth instead of tossing MSG into the soup, which most of the other restaurants would do.
il y a 2 ansAuthentic beef noodles. The soup is surprisingly good, it tastes like real beef broth instead of tossing MSG into the soup, which most of the other restaurants would do.
il y a 2 ansAuthentic beef noodles. The soup is surprisingly good, it tastes like real beef broth instead of tossing MSG into the soup, which most of the other restaurants would do.
il y a 2 ans
The homemade noodles were very nice, though the soup itself was a bit bland
il y a 2 ans